Saturday, January 22, 2011


Dear Friends,

When I was taking a bite this afternoon, I remembered a meeting with a dear friend recently. He used the phrase ‘heaven on earth’ and pointed out that with simple, kind, everyday gestures and actions, we can all create heaven on earth.

Well, I wish you can stop whatever you are doing now. Take a minute and reflect on something (e.g. a song, phrases, a kind gesture, an event) that that has touched you deeply. A moment that may have make you cry or tear wells up in your eyes. Isn’t it wonderful if this moment can repeat in perpetuity?

Dear friends, let us take action today that will make our ‘small’ world a better place for us and people around us. I want you to take a baby step today. Smile to the very next person you see, be him/her a stranger or your loved ones. Greet that person. Do something that will make him/her feel better and trust me, it will definitely brighten your own day.

God bless you and your loved ones.

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